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why don’t you go to see
你为什么不去看  detail>>
is that why you don’t want to go home
这就是你不想回家的原因吗?  detail>>
you go see see
你去看看  detail>>
that it why you go away
你要走的理由  detail>>
why did you go there
你为什么去那儿  detail>>
why you have to go
你为什么让事情变的这么复杂  detail>>
don t wanna see you cry
怕你为自己流泪  detail>>
don’t you see we are busy
如此“上门服务”  detail>>
why must you go to this expense
何必这么破费  detail>>
don`t you ever go away
你还在吗  detail>>
don’t go, i love you
别走我爱你  detail>>
why don’t you vote against him
我感觉它注定要失败  detail>>
now you see me now you don’t
怪侠一枝梅  detail>>
it’s a pity for us to see you go
很遗憾说再见  detail>>
you give me go and see
你给我走着瞧  detail>>
you’ll regret it if you don’t go
不去你会后悔  detail>>
don’t you see how i am fixed
你看不出我是多么专心致志吗  detail>>
i don t want to see you again
逝去的爱  detail>>